ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship)
Adult Bible Fellowships, or ABFs, meet on Sunday mornings for the purpose of connecting people, extending friendship, prayer, support, and instruction in all areas of the Christian journey. They are generally, but not exclusively based upon age or life-stage. You are free to visit different ones and join one in which you feel most comfortable participating.
Wired (Youth Bible Fellowship)
YBF exists to help teens love God, love others, and love the world. It offers teens the opportunity to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ with everything they are and with everything they are becoming.
Children’s Ministries
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
At SBFN, we seek to live that out every week through our Children’s Ministries programs. Statistics have show that more than 80% of adult Christians become believers as children. This truth drives us to share the love of Jesus with as many children as we can.
Ways To Serve
There are many opportunities to discover and utilize your particular gifts and abilities at SBFN. We have many ministries that would love to discuss your involvement including Worship Arts, Hospitality, Buildings and Grounds, Discipleship, Evangelism, and Outreach (DEO), and Multimedia.