All-Church Game Night
On Saturday, January 25th starting at 5:00 p.m. SBFN is planning and All Church Game Night. We’d like to have everyone join us for a night of fellowship while we play your favorite board games, card games, and yes of course for those interested, some friendly games of corn hole!
Make your plans now to bring your favorite games, or your corn hole boards and come eat and play games. We want to make this Game Night Potluck style, so plan to bring your favorite dish to share with everyone, and come have a fun night fellowshipping with your SBFN family.
If you plan on coming please fill out a yellow connection card, mark it “Game Night”, your family name, & how many you will have attending. Place that it in the offering plate or one of the connection boxes by Sunday, January 19th so we have a count of how many will be attending.
If you have any questions or would like to help in any way, see Mike Price., or call the church office.