ABF stands for Adult Bible Fellowship.  It’s where we connect with, pray for, and support one another.Adult Bible Fellowships, or ABFs, meet on Sunday mornings for the purpose of connecting people, extending friendship, prayer, support, and instruction in all areas of the Christian journey. They are generally, but not exclusively based upon age or life-stage.  You are free to visit different ones and join one in which you feel most comfortable participating.The following ABF’s meet on a regular basis:


College, Career, and Young Adults
Facilitator: Barbie Lauer, Mandy Fowler
Crusaders for Truth
Singles, Newly Married, and Young Families
Facilitator: Curt & Becky Hunt, Jeremy & Megan Williamson
Young Families and Middle Age
Facilitator: Nich Hoover, Brent & Janelle St Clair, Shane Fischer
Singles, Families and Empty-Nesters
Facilitator: Dean Cates
 Retired and Young At Heart
Facilitator: Jack Gibbs & Bill Paulus


If you would like to join an Adult Bible Fellowship, or would like more information, please leave us a message on our contact page.