

These are some of the ways we are reaching out to our community in Jesus’ name


Luvability Ministries

Luvability Ministries was started over 15 years ago with the express purpose of reaching the developmentally disabled of Michiana with the love of Jesus Christ. Since its inception, Luvability has grown into a Monday-through-Friday ministry.

Each Tuesday, from 9:30 to Noon, Luvability meets at SBFN for a weekly worship gathering specifically geared toward those with disabilities. We would encourage you to join us some Tuesday morning for time of inspirational worship as well as an opportunity to serve and to have your heart warmed by the loved of those who are a part of Luvability.

Click here for details

Hands and Feet

Hands and Feet is an outreach of SBFN that seeks to meet the physical needs of people in addition to their spiritual ones. Hands and Feet does this through service projects throughout the community including home repair and maintenance, distributing water and food to those in need, serving in local missions, and many other areas as they arise.  If you would like to serve in this ministry area, please leave us a message on our contact page.

Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an online source of over 15,000 Christian videos that you can access from anywhere you have the internet and a device capable of streaming video. Think of it as Netflix, but with a Christian twist.  On RNM you will find everything from great movies and instruction for children to material on marriage, recovery, singles, young adults, teens, finances, theology, in-depth Bible study, worship, and much more!

Click here for details